Thursday, August 09, 2012

A Faery Ring in Shipley

This natural faery ring appeared in summer 2009 on a grass verge near a hawthorn tree in Shipley, West Yorkshire, and has done so each since, apparently expanding as the years go by.  It is said if you dance round a faery ring nine times then you will see the faeries, but if you do this on their sacred days, such as Beltane (May 1), Coamhain (Midsummer), or Samhain (Halloween), then the faeries will be very offended and will take you to Elf Land.

If you stand in a faery ring under a full moon and make a wish, then it is supposed to come true. Faery rings are also called hags rings because witches were thought to dance in them. You can make your own faery ring from small white pebbles or stones in a suitable woodland clearing, or grassy area, or even as part of your nature garden, as a tribute to natural elements.

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