Thursday, August 09, 2012

The Cat with Wings

The cat with wings was found by a housewife in an Oxford garden in 1933. The cat had black and white markings and was found wondering around the lady's garden. Later, the cat got in to her stables. She said (quote), 'I saw it move from the ground to a beam - a considerable distance, which I do not think it could have leaped - using its wings in a manner similar to that of a bird'.

A further quote from a reporter of the time was 'I carefully examined the cat tonight and there is no doubt about the wings. They grow just in front of its hindquarters'. Two officials arrived and took the cat away. The creature was placed on display at Oxford Zoo.

The photo shows the winged cat at Oxford Zoo in 1933. (The internet reference says 1934). There is a discrepancy as to the photo shown as to which winged cat it really is.

My reference book (undisclosed source, but a book published in the 1980s, which I own) says it is the 1933 winged cat, the internet reference says it is a winged cat from the 1899. At any rate winged cats abound apparently! Claws out and lots of cattiness!

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